Saturday, December 3, 2011


hye,i'm back,,, ok my new entries is about my future : aka PMR?!
hye PMR be good to me ok,,, as you can see if you want to reach something from your dream you have to face reality,to get to your fantasy.. such as if you want straight A's you must study really hard to get it...
(yeah,my example is like that) and THIS IS MY 3 WISHES (if i had straight A'S )

3. I WANT 200 RINGGIT (just in case i want to go shoppling)

not so bad huh? heheheh if only i had a smart brain hehehehe!~ so wish me good luck for my PMR next year
and also don't forget to pray for me!!! thnks ,,

Friday, December 2, 2011


hye,dah lma gila x update blog,almaklumlah lps habis jer peperiksaan akhir thun,semuanya ditinggalkan heheh!~ mianei as you can see bulan december sdh datang,apa yg aq buat selama cuti sekolah?
hahah nothing just twitter-twitter 2 jer lah aq buat selalunya... so, nk wish happy december to you guys and i hope i will more often to update this blog for my followers.. next year,will be my toughest year of all cause aq ader PMR wah!!! seronoknyer,*sebaliknya* n blan ni jgklah semuanya akn jdi boros,cause nk bli peralatan sekolah hahah mmg boros lah kan, i have no idea what kind of situation will be next year?! NOBODY CAN TELLS THE FUTURE right?! so i'm gonna end my story now!!

HAPPY DECEMBER FOR YOU GUYS OUT THERE!! explore the beautiful world with smiling!!

Friday, September 16, 2011


hehehe,title dia agk menyeramkan. kan,kan,kan!!
hahahah actually it's about my story...
hari khamis... actually semalam lah kan....
dia TEGUR AQ.... pndai doh dia 2...
time2 aq ngah mrah kat dia time 2 jgk lah dia gembirakan hti aq... mmg bertuah btol...
waktu kejadian : waktu rehat jam 8.30 pgi.... wow... hafal bai...
sebab kejadian  : secara x sengaja,time aq nk mkn bru dia nk muncul.....
                           (p/s :  dia ddk hampir2 nk rpt ngan akk itu....)
sebenarnya ntah lah nk kter jealous? bleh lah sikit jer...
tpi mmg hti 2 mmg x nk pndg pon mka dia...tpi nk wat camner dia pnggil aq.. klo x pndg kan mrah....
dgn selamba aq bgn ngan mka mrah + senyum .....
mula2 soalan dia bodoh2 like... (nper x wat persembahan lgi,bnyak dpt duit raya)
last skali ayt yg mmg aq x leh lpa (mintak bleh..) time 2 aq dah x mrah lnsung hti 2 berbunga2 plak.
hadoi.... nper hri khamis membuat aq bhagia jer.... eee,,,suka2... maaflah sya mmg gedik....
BUT IS HE THE RIGHT MEN???? i'm not sure... keliru ngan feeling aq ini....
AM I IN LOVE???? NO.......................

Saturday, August 27, 2011


hye,kpada semua followers or non followers.
saya NURIN BATRISYIA ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan selamat menyambut hari merdeka kepada semua rakyat malaysia.. dan jga selamat hri raya kepada semua muslimin dah muslimat..
saya jga ingin memohon maaf jika selama sya menulis post2 yg lma 2 ader yg terasa ker or skit hati... sya ingin memohon beribu2 maaf kat korang semua... mmg time 2 time ngah geram ker .. trus tulis kat blog..
sya btul2 minta maaf.... harap korang maafkan lah yer...

part 2

selama hari raya ni,sya x thu lah ader masa ker x nk update blog ni.... mngkin time raya ni,ni yg akhir kot...
THU2 jer lah rya sibuk nk duit jer ahhh.... hahah ok!~ if i have time , i will post a new post about my raya at johor ok!~ OK.. i will miss you guys... love xoxox from NURIN BATRISYIA...

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

persiapan untuk HARI RAYA ♥

hahah!~ hey,kowang dah bli bju for hari raya nnti..
klo kowang dah bper pasang weh,,,
mesti cntik kan....
eee,,,geramnyer... seriusly aq x bli lgi pon weyh..
mustahil lah x bli lnsung tpi just seluar jeans wih black ones..
and bju sleveless,,, wrna putih itu jer...
nk kter x der msa, SETIAP sabtu n ahad my parents ader msa...
nk kter x der saiz.. hey!~ puasa msti slim dowh... ceh btul kan..
humm,,mngkin parents i nk bgi lmbat2 kot...tpi klo dngar my BFF brckp psal bju raya diowang rse kecik dowh aq ni...
eee,, beli nk beli ni.... KSUT,HANDBAG,ACESSORIES...ETC...
bnyak agi x beli... hummm,, just tnggu msa lah ....
p/s: owang JOHOR,nntikan kepulangan ku disana ...hahahah mcm hotstuff jer kat JOHOr... wekk... pls lah... bye!!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


humm,,, tngok tjuk pon dah rse nk termuntah... it's about a guy with full of  PERAKSAAN
but first mmg ahh aq ntah lah... whatever.. tpi mmg hum,, so sen doh..... yerlah dia kter aq ayik tngok2 dia.. hello.. mmg ahh aq kna hadap dia tpi masalahnyer.. cba byangkan klo dak klas aq wat lawak.. aq mmg ahh kna pusing 360 cause of what sbb aq ddk dpn.. dak klas aq yg slalu wat lawak duk blang so fair lah kn.. aq kna hadap dia dlu bru tngok dak klas aq... n cba byangkan ( AQ NI JENIS SKA TNGOK ORANG)
mmg itu tabait yg mmg aq x leh nk hilang... sbb 2 lah ko PERAKSAAN jer.. B*****..... geram giler
hey, hello... excuse me.. klo ko x cya cba ko ckp lah ngan BFF aq.. (diowang lgi thu aq )yg ko nk so sen sngat wat per... n then aq rse bersalah... apahal plak aq yg rse bersalah... ko yg perasan sngat... aq lak kna...

p/s: aq blom seratus peratus sker kat ko lah... hello!!! stop perasan leh x... and one more thing "if you don't know my attitude could you just ask" jgn nk ckp asl belasah jer.... GERAM GILER THU!!

Friday, July 1, 2011


hey!~ nk cer-citer sikit...smlam i've got my record for the test...
hum,, not so good enough.... hum,, x der A lnsung, B,C,D and hampeh giler kowt....
ank owang lain bkn main ader A smpai aq huhuhu so sad!~ hahah pdn mka aq sendiri sper suruh x blajakkk.. betoi2.. tpi aq x derlah sedih.. cause my mom x mrah pon... well dia just ckp" usaha lagi and jgn bnyak tngok korea and internet and so on.." hummph... jdikan semua ni ujian untuk diri aq untuk terus gigih...
and smalam aq kna jdi penunjuk arah... (pnat giler smpai SWEATING giler  habis) tpi best ahh...
klakar + seronok tngok ibu bapa datang for their children... hey!~ ibu bpa sya pon dtg k!~ hehehe....
siap bleh ckp " ibu klo ader E jgn mrah haahaha" siot giler aq..... busy like a bumble bee giler handle things untuk persiapan ambik report card.... hahahah!~ nasib x kena "cepuk".. ngan ibu klo x hbis lebam lah aq!~
humpph, ni jer kot nk citer..

p/s: AQ dpt nombor 25 OVER 30 teruk giler aq!~but aq akn rebut blik untuk dpt A siap ahh kowang!~ huhu bye!~