Wednesday, July 6, 2011


humm,,, tngok tjuk pon dah rse nk termuntah... it's about a guy with full of  PERAKSAAN
but first mmg ahh aq ntah lah... whatever.. tpi mmg hum,, so sen doh..... yerlah dia kter aq ayik tngok2 dia.. hello.. mmg ahh aq kna hadap dia tpi masalahnyer.. cba byangkan klo dak klas aq wat lawak.. aq mmg ahh kna pusing 360 cause of what sbb aq ddk dpn.. dak klas aq yg slalu wat lawak duk blang so fair lah kn.. aq kna hadap dia dlu bru tngok dak klas aq... n cba byangkan ( AQ NI JENIS SKA TNGOK ORANG)
mmg itu tabait yg mmg aq x leh nk hilang... sbb 2 lah ko PERAKSAAN jer.. B*****..... geram giler
hey, hello... excuse me.. klo ko x cya cba ko ckp lah ngan BFF aq.. (diowang lgi thu aq )yg ko nk so sen sngat wat per... n then aq rse bersalah... apahal plak aq yg rse bersalah... ko yg perasan sngat... aq lak kna...

p/s: aq blom seratus peratus sker kat ko lah... hello!!! stop perasan leh x... and one more thing "if you don't know my attitude could you just ask" jgn nk ckp asl belasah jer.... GERAM GILER THU!!