Friday, December 2, 2011


hye,dah lma gila x update blog,almaklumlah lps habis jer peperiksaan akhir thun,semuanya ditinggalkan heheh!~ mianei as you can see bulan december sdh datang,apa yg aq buat selama cuti sekolah?
hahah nothing just twitter-twitter 2 jer lah aq buat selalunya... so, nk wish happy december to you guys and i hope i will more often to update this blog for my followers.. next year,will be my toughest year of all cause aq ader PMR wah!!! seronoknyer,*sebaliknya* n blan ni jgklah semuanya akn jdi boros,cause nk bli peralatan sekolah hahah mmg boros lah kan, i have no idea what kind of situation will be next year?! NOBODY CAN TELLS THE FUTURE right?! so i'm gonna end my story now!!

HAPPY DECEMBER FOR YOU GUYS OUT THERE!! explore the beautiful world with smiling!!